Why Diving is the Best Water Sport for Coastal Dwellers During the Pandemic

'Quarantine' Has us all Craving being Active
Depending on your state, it has been close to 6 months since the Coronavirus had many Americans rushing to safety within the comforts of their homes during Shelter-in-Place. With a myriad of fumbled attempts to reopen by local governments and quarantine fatigue hitting home hard the last few weeks, many of us are struggling to balance the desire for human contact with the need to maintain safety this summer. While many indoor establishments like gyms & yoga studios continue to stay closed, most cities have opened outdoor recreation options for public use which we consider a big win. Moreso for the 29 million American coastal dwellers who have the increased ability to seek the ocean for mental and even physical refuge. It comes as no surprise that water-related physical activities like boating, surfing and diving are having its moment in the spotlight. Those who lived by the ocean solely for the view are seeking the water for new forms of exercise they may have previously overlooked and we are seeing this renewed interest in the dive world, specifically.
The Dive Community Welcomes You
Surf culture tends to scare newbies from attempting to enter the locals only surf spots, whereas diving is a communal sport that will welcome you with open arms. It is common knowledge to never go out diving alone but that doesn’t mean its dangerous or not for the faint of heart. Setting up our Diveviz booth on Sunday mornings at Kellogg Park here in San Diego where we host our weekly freedive lessons, we see many groups of scuba divers, new & old, heading in and out of the water at a near constant flow. Many local dive masters can be found teaching classes to new cohorts of eager ocean loves excited to get into the water, hoping to capture something insta-worth underwater on their wrist-affixed go pros.
There are Cheaper Dive Options
While the barrier for entry might scare people off, requiring a tad bit more equipment than a $99 Wavestorm surfboard, diving is worth the entry price. Following top divers and communities such as @JustGetWet and @San_Diego_Freedivers was what some of our newest divers say got them pumped to try out the niche sport of freediving which solely requires fins, a mask, and a steady practice of holding your breath for long periods of time.
Diving is Meditative
Whether you are along the Atlantic, Pacific, or the Gulf Coast, there is a wide variety of what you might see during your dives. Beyond that, there is much more to gain mentally during times of crisis such as the current pandemic and unfolding economic crisis. Diving helps improve blood circulation & lowers blood pressure, not to mention, providing one with the immense feeling of stress relief as you sharply focus on your breath. Physically, you move every part of your body so you’ll be well ahead of others with shedding the Quarantine-15 you might’ve noticed. Connecting with nature and allowing the healing properties of saltwater to wash over your hair, skin and nails are also big added bonuses to the dive life. For many of us, just a few moments of silence and peace under the surface is all any of us really need to shut out some of the day-to-day noise. It’s no surprise that diving is the way to go when it comes to water sports to try during the pandemic, though we may be a bit biased. ;)
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